The next day you take a walk down Bourbon street and because it's so crazy there you feel that even at the age of 27 you're still not old enough to see all you saw.
After the initial shock you go on a haunted tour of the French Quarter and see lots of cool old buildings and even get a picture with an orb which is that spot of light that many think are spirits.
You also walk around and see all these beautiful buildings everywhere.
The only tough thing is that you are pregnant and so tired that one day you end up taking a 3 hour nap instead of a 20 minute catnap like you said. But luckily you have a hubby who is so sweet he's happy to let you rest and just lays next to you and watches movies while you sleep.
And once you're up you go back out and try some of that New Orleans food like the yummy beignets.
But after all that fun time together you realize it has to end and you find yourself back at the airport saying those goodbyes all over again. But at least you had those few nights together.....a little bit of a boost before the long stretch and you feel that your love for one another is just as strong as ever.

Although it was hard to leave you are ready to get back to those sweet girls you left behind.
And they love their new souvenirs.